The Wellness Tribe
5 Best Positions for a Good Night's Sleep
Imagine this - taking the time to gradually train yourself to sleep in a new position could be the ultimate hack to improving your sleep quality. Whether you're battling with incessant...
What’s your personality type according to Ayurveda?
Imagine a system that sees your body as a universe, where harmony between the mind, body, and spirit is the ultimate goal. Ayurveda does just that. Ayurveda identifies your dosha,...
Can friendships help you in living a longer life?
In a world where success often takes the spotlight, we tend to underestimate the power of something as simple yet vital as friendships. Beyond the joy of having companions and sharing laughter,...
Stepping Towards Wellness – The surprising power of 4 thousand steps.
4000 steps could be the threshold to a healthier, fitter and vibrant you. So, let's lace up our shoes and explore the incredible advantages that await those who choose to...
Top Essential Oils For Relaxation
Source Our busy and hectic routine lives make us stressful and tensed up. Essential oils help to relieve tensions and everyday worries while promoting relaxation. What makes it even more...